โ“What are inscriptions?

The story behind inscriptions

Blockchain Inscriptions and Ordinals

Blockchain inscriptions, such as Ordinals, represent a novel form of on-chain assets. These inscriptions are essentially digital artifacts that are uniquely identifiable and embedded directly into the blockchain. Ordinals, in particular, have gained attention for their ability to imbue individual satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, with distinctive characteristicsโ€”essentially turning them into collectibles or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each inscribed satoshi, numbered sequentially from the genesis block, carries its own metadata and content, ranging from images to text, potentially transforming every satoshi into a one-of-a-kind digital collectible with provenance verifiable by the blockchain's immutable ledger.

Understanding Ordinals: A Deeper Dive into Digital Uniqueness

One of the key aspects of Ordinals is the concept of digital uniqueness. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies focusing on fungibility, wherein each unit is indistinguishable from another, ordinals carve out a unique identity for each satoshi. This distinctive identity enables the creation of digital scarcity and unlocks new possibilities for artists, creators, and collectors in the realm of digital assets. With the assurance that the blockchain provides regarding authenticity and ownership records, users can confidently trade and own these inscribed assets, knowing their provenance is secure and immutable.

Inscriptions on EVM chains - majorly token-based inscriptions following BRC-20 like standard

BRC-20 is mainly inherited from the ERC-20 standard, which is nothing more than an 'Interface'.

Understanding Interfaces

The concept of an interface lies at the heart of object-oriented programming, acting as the skeletal framework that defines how classes interact and collaborate. Imagine it as a detailed blueprint outlining the essential properties and functionalities that specific classes must adhere to.

Consider, for instance, the task of creating a class representing a car. What key attributes define a car? Colour, model, and speed readily come to mind. But cars also exhibit common behaviours like starting, stopping, and accelerating. Interfaces step in here, defining these behaviours as a contract specifying what a class can do but not how it achieves it.

ERC-20: A Standard Contract for Tokens

In the domain of Ethereum token development, the ERC-20 standard plays a similar role. Think of it as a pre-defined contract dictating the essential functionalities that any token on the Ethereum blockchain must possess. It establishes a set of common behaviours, ensuring seamless interaction and compatibility within the ecosystem.

Some core functionalities defined by the ERC-20 standard include:

  • totalSupply(): This function retrieves the total supply of the token available.

  • balanceOf(address): This function retrieves the token balance of a specific Ethereum address.

  • transfer(address, uint256): This function enables the transfer of tokens from the sender's address to another specified address.

  • transferFrom(address, address, uint256): This function empowers a third party (approved spender) to transfer tokens on behalf of the token owner.

  • approve(address, uint256): This function grants permission to a specific address to transfer a defined amount of tokens on the owner's behalf.

  • allowance(address, address): This function allows verification of the number of tokens an approved spender can transfer from the owner's address.

Diving Deeper: The Origins and Implications

Now that we've established the fundamental concepts, a key question arises: What does ERC stand for?

ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment, analogous to the well-known RFC (Request for Comments) system in the technology domain. Just as RFCs define protocols for standardized operation, ERC standards act as blueprints for Ethereum blockchain elements like tokens.

Consider RFC 791, which defines the Internet Protocol (IP). Similarly, ERC-20 serves as a token standard, empowering anyone to create their own fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. These digital tokens represent diverse assets, ranging from traditional currencies and loyalty points to in-game items and beyond.

For instance, envision crafting a token named ABC, representing one US dollar. This token could be seamlessly sent and received between individuals equipped with Ethereum wallets, fostering a vibrant tokenized ecosystem.

The Power of Standardization: Why ERC-20 Matters

The ERC-20 standard establishes a crucial set of rules that every token must comply with to function effectively within the Ethereum network. These rules encompass:

  • Token naming conventions

  • Methods for retrieving token balances

  • Mechanisms for token transfer

  • Authorization protocols for delegating token usage

By adhering to these standardized rules, ERC-20 tokens achieve high levels of compatibility, meaning they can interact effortlessly with diverse applications built on the Ethereum platform, including wallets, exchanges, and decentralized applications (dApps). This interoperability fosters a rich and interconnected ecosystem, driving innovation and user adoption within the realm of blockchain-based tokens.

Within the Ethereum ecosystem, the ERC-20 token standard has emerged as a cornerstone for token development, offering numerous advantages for developers and users alike.

Simplified Development and Enhanced Security

  • Pre-built Functionality: ERC-20 defines essential token functionalities like transfer, balance checks, and approvals, minimizing code complexity and development time for custom tokens.

  • Standardized Security: Adherence to the established standard reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities introduced by unique codebases in non-standard tokens.

Fueling Innovation and Experimentation:

  • Low Barrier to Entry: The standardized approach empowers anyone to create and deploy tokens, fostering diverse use cases like fundraising, governance, lending, and loyalty programs.

  • Interoperability and Integration: ERC-20 tokens seamlessly interact with wallets, exchanges, and dApps built on the Ethereum platform, promoting integration and network effects.

Leading Examples

  • USDT (Stablecoin): Provides stability pegged to the US dollar, enabling a trusted medium of exchange in crypto markets.

  • LINK (Chainlink Token): Powers the Chainlink decentralized oracle network, bridging real-world data to smart contracts.

  • UNI (Uniswap Governance): Grants voting rights and fee distribution within the Uniswap decentralized exchange.

BRC-20 tokens get their value from the market's supply and demand. They are not backed by any asset or currency, unlike some ERC-20 tokens that are pegged to fiat currencies or commodities. The value of BRC-20 tokens depends on how useful they are for their users and how scarce they are in circulation.

Are Inscriptions Decentralized?

While leveraging the secure foundation of Bitcoin and other EVM blockchains, BRC-20 like tokens present a nuanced security landscape worthy of exploration. Understanding both their inherent strengths and potential vulnerabilities is crucial for informed decision-making.

Leveraging Bitcoin's Robustness

  • Proof-of-Work Consensus: Built upon Bitcoin's well-established Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism, BRC-20 tokens inherit its resistance to tampering and malicious activities, contributing to overall security.

  • Decentralized Network: The decentralized nature of Bitcoin and other EVM networks further enhances security by eliminating single points of failure and censorship vulnerabilities.

Considering Potential Risks

  • Experimental Stage: As a relatively new standard, BRC-20 faces the inherent risks associated with any early-stage technology. Unforeseen technical challenges or regulatory hurdles might impact user experience and security.

  • No Smart Contracts: Unlike ERC-20 tokens, BRC-20 tokens rely on inscriptions and JSON data to define and execute logic. This simpler approach avoids smart contract complexity but lacks the inherent security features and programmability.

  • Limited Adoption: The nascent stage of BRC-20 translates to limited support from wallets, exchanges, and other platforms. This limited accessibility exposes users to potential transfer, trading, and overall liquidity difficulties.

Informed Engagement and Best Practices

  • Cautious Approach: Thorough research and due diligence are paramount before participating in BRC-20 activities, considering the evolving nature of the technology and potential risks.

  • Reputable Wallets: Utilize well-established wallets that ensure proper handling of JSON data and ordinal inscriptions for secure token management.

  • Stay Informed: Actively monitor the development and community discussions surrounding BRC-20 to stay updated on potential vulnerabilities, security patches, and evolving best practices.


BRC-20 tokens offer an innovative approach to tokenization on Bitcoin and other EVM-based chains, leveraging the blockchain's security and carrying the inherent risks of new technologies. By understanding the security landscape, practising due diligence, and utilizing proper tools, users can navigate this evolving ecosystem with informed awareness.

It could also mean that BRC-20 are paving a path to a new value system that is not reliant on traditional financial instruments like the Dollar, Euro, Yuan, etc. This can be observed with the fair launches and value distribution among users, which is inherently pegged to the native blockchain currencies like BTC, ETH, BNB, POLY, etc.

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