📜LitePaper v0.0.7

Will be updated regularly with the vision and mission remaining the same: Decentralization.

EVM.ink: Cross-Chain Bridgeless Infrastructure

Distributed ledger technology has brought about a massive revolution in how the world works. However, siloed approaches and incentivization based solely on adoption have limited its adoption and development. EVM.ink aims to make all distributed ledgers interoperable and, in turn, promote value-driven incentivization.

A brief summary of the landscape, pre and post the adoption of inscriptions

Note: Bitcoin's genesis block had its first-ever inscription of "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks." Ethereum's first browser-readable data inscription was in transaction hash 0xb1bdb91f010c154dd04e5c11a6298e91472c27a347b770684981873a6408c11c, which contained an image of a cat with the text "HUMAN SOCIETY SHALL BE ENCIPHERED." This can be read in the input data field on Etherscan while viewing the input as UTF-8.

Cross-chain node Indexer and Interpreter

Transaction Node Indexer

  1. Each chain can serve as the central/main chain for development, with all other chains becoming shards.

  2. Data can be indexed and interpreted across all chains using standards and formats widely adopted by the community.

  3. Data can be reconciled onto a single central/main chain for native chain development.

Storage Node Indexer

  1. A swarm of data fragments can be indexed and treated as either private or public.

  2. Data can be offloaded onto inexpensive chains and shards with few block limitations, and the data fingerprint is embedded in the index for reconciliation.

  3. Custom encoding and decoding on-chain can be enabled through recursive inscriptions.

Major benefits

Inter-blockchain operability can be achieved without the need for hard forks or infrastructural changes. This offers benefits with absolute coverage of the OSI model, leading to decentralised internet.

The following steps can be taken to achieve this:

  1. Create a distributed 'Application Layer' through data offloading and separation.

  2. Establish a super-powered 'Presentation Layer' through a multi-chain decentralised indexer node.

  3. Introduce a 'Session Layer' through multi-chain hashed-time-locked-contracts.

  4. Empower a decentralised indexer and realise a 'Transport Layer' to ensure that dank-shards (data blobs) are aptly directed.

  5. Extend the 'Network Layer' by obfuscating data (writing on call-data) indices, which can easily be reverified through native chain nodes.

  6. Establish interoperable signatures through the 'Data Link Layer'.

  7. Bring the indexing and node running capabilities to handheld devices through the updated 'Physical Layer' requirements.

Existing use-cases

  1. Inscribed Collectibles - Ordinals, Ethscription, Bnbscription, Polyscriptions, and others.

  2. Inscribed Tokens - BRC-20, BRC-20-s, BSC-20, ORC-20, and others.

  3. Inscribed Swaps and DeFi protocols - OP codes such as Mint, Transfer, Pool, Deploy, etc.

EVM Upgrade Compatibility

  1. Surge - Compatible by supporting sharding, rollups, and treating other chains as shards to the mainframe chain.

  2. Verge - Compatible through pre-implementing the verkle-tree proofs while maintaining backward compatibility.

  3. Purge - Compatible by running full nodes and indexer nodes of each shard or L2s.


EMV.ink brings virtual machine functionality across all infrastructure, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, and more.

The future is decentralised and multi-chain. We are taking a step towards accelerating the adoption of the network state.

Last updated