🎮On-chain games

The realm of blockchain gaming continues to push boundaries, exploring innovative approaches to create engaging and secure experiences. Within this landscape, the concept of purely on-chain inscribed games emerges, presenting a unique game design and interaction paradigm.

Core Concept

  • Inscribed Gameplay: These games leverage the power of inscriptions, where game logic, rules, and assets are directly embedded into the blockchain, eliminating the need for centralized servers or proprietary clients.

  • Data Immutability: All game data, including player interactions, scores, and item ownership, reside immutably on the blockchain, ensuring transparency, trust, and resistance to manipulation.

  • Decentralized Operation: No central authority controls the game, fostering player autonomy and reducing reliance on single points of failure.

Technical Underpinnings

  • Smart Contract Architecture: The transactional game logic and rules can be encoded within minimal smart contracts, self-executing on the blockchain based on player interactions and pre-defined conditions. While the major computations and renderings can be done off-chain.

  • Data Representation: Game assets, characters, and items are often represented as inscriptions, enabling verifiable ownership and scarcity within the game ecosystem.

  • Randomness and Fairness: Achieving provably fair randomness in on-chain games presents a challenge. Techniques like Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) and on-chain oracles are explored to ensure transparent and unpredictable outcomes.


  • Enhanced Security: Blockchain's inherent security protects against cheating, manipulation, and data breaches.

  • Transparency and Fairness: Immutable game data fosters trust and fair gameplay mechanisms.

  • Player Ownership: Players truly own their in-game assets, enabling real-world value and potential secondary markets.


  • Limited Functionality: Current technology constrains gameplay complexity and scalability compared to traditional games. This will evolve over time, with libraries like Unreal Engine and Unity being completely inscribed on-chain

  • High Transaction Costs: On-chain interactions can be expensive, potentially hindering player experience and affordability. This is mostly already offset by the introduction of inscriptions and multi-chain indexing. Here, multi-chain indexing ensures that the user can play the game on his favourite network while having all his item possessions still accessible on other chains for robust interoperability and trade.

  • User Experience: Onboarding and interacting with on-chain games requires technical understanding, presenting initial barriers to mainstream adoption. This is solved in some cases using embedded wallets and account-abstracted wallets so that the users can play the games normally. Though this isn't mature yet, it still holds a strong promise.


Purely on-chain inscribed games represent a bold experiment in decentralizing game design and ownership. Though technical challenges remain, their potential to offer secure, transparent, and player-centric experiences positions them as a potentially groundbreaking force in the evolution of blockchain gaming.

We intend to help accelerate this by undertaking the heavy lifting of technical limitations and security concerns.

Last updated